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LED Paper Lanterns – A Convenient Lighting Solution

  • by admin
  • 2 min read

For convenience and ease of use, LED Paper Lanterns are definitely the way to go! LED lights are long-lasting and give off a nice glow. What’s really great about LED paper lanterns is that you are free to position them independently of each other. When you use cords with standard light bulbs to light your lanterns, you are restricted by the length of the cord and the positioning of the lanterns on the cord. With LED paper lanterns, each lantern has its own separate battery-powered light, so it can be positioned anywhere – high or low, close together or far apart.

Let’s clarify. There are no special lanterns called LED Paper Lanterns. The paper lanterns that can be lit by LEDs can also be lit by light bulbs on a cord. The choice is yours. You can use the same lanterns regardless of the method of lighting. For convenience I will refer to paper lanterns lit by LEDs as LED Paper Lanterns.

In case you’ve never ordered LED lights from Luna Bazaar, this is what they look like:

Luna Bazaar Triple-bulb, battery-operated LED light.

You can order LEDs with one, two or three bulbs. If you want even more light, you can hang more than one triple-bulb LED within the same LED paper lantern. These battery-powered LEDs also come in different colors: clear, amber, red, and blue. The elastic string that’s attached to the light wraps around the wire on the inside of the LED paper lantern, allowing the LED light to hang freely inside the lantern. The battery in one of these lights lasts 15 hours or more.

Instead of LED paper lanterns, you can light paper lanterns with light bulbs on a cord.  Although this method is very familiar, just for comparison, this is what our light cords look like:

Luna Bazaar Paper Lantern Light Cord

Our light bulb cords come in lengths from 15 to 45 feet. The cords have 10 or 15 light bulb sockets. You can cover a lot of space with these cords by plugging one cord into another. They have standard sockets that allow you to use lights bulbs that can be purchased anywhere light bulbs are sold.

Points to Remember about LED Paper Lanterns

LED Paper Lanterns can be spread out as far as you like. Vertically, you can hang some LED paper lanterns very close to the ceiling, and others at a level close to the dance floor or dining table. Horizontally, LED paper lanterns can be positioned any distance apart inside a room. This is not possible with a light cord because the distance between lanterns must be 36 inches or less.

LED Paper Lanterns allow you to shed light anywhere! With light cords you must be close to an outlet.

So whether you’re decorating indoors or out, consider LED paper lanterns!

Photo: Doc Waldrop of
Full Circle Lighting & Productions.

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